How Does A Bee Vacuum Works

How Does A Bee Vacuum Work (Safe Bee Removal)

Do you want to use a bee vacuum to suck up bees? First, you have to know how does a bee vacuum work? That’s why you came to this post. 

Don’t worry you are absolutely right place. Throughout this post, I am going to discuss with you how a bee vacuum works to safely remove bees.




What Is A Bee Vacuum?

First, let’s get a little introduction about bee vacuums. Simply, a bee vacuum is a device that is specially designed to remove bees safely from unwanted locations. It consists of a motor suction device that produces the vacuum with a hose. It also has a collection chamber.

This device is designed in such a manner that it doesn’t harm bees and the person involved in the bee removal.

A bee vacuum can be used to remove bees from 

  • House wall
  • Above a mountain,
  • From a bunch of trees, etc.

In simple words, you can use a bee vacuum to remove bee swarms from any location.

The bee vacuum is not similar to the vacuum cleaner used in a household. So, you can’t use a bee vacuum as an alternative to a vacuum cleaner.



How Does A Bee Vacuum Actually Work?

Well, a bee vacuum consists of a motorized suction system having a hose. At the bottom, it has a swarm collection chamber with various attachments.

How Does A Bee Vacuum Work
Bee Vacuum

The vacuum produced by the suction motor is gentle enough. Bees are drawn through the hose into the collection chamber without any harm.

It uses a low negative pressure that is safe enough to suck up bees inside the hose. Its pressure is quite gentle that it won’t hurt bees. 


Beekeepers use the bee vacuum to safely collect a swarm from an unwanted location and then relocate them to a new safe house.

The followings are how a bee vacuum works and how beekeepers use a bee vacuum to remove a swarm.

  • First, the beekeeper identifies the swarm location. When the maximum amount of bees is present there then they approach the swarm.
  • If the bees are set on the ground or in any horizontal location. Then a few smokes are pushed upon them to calm the bees. For bees in a wall or similar kind of location, the use of a smoker may not require.
  • Then the bee vacuum is turned “ON”. Then the beekeeper approaches the swarm with the hose in his hand.
  • The preferred way is to go from the bottom to the top gently. If you do so, any part of the cluster won’t fall down. 
  • The bees will be easily sucked up and drawn through the hose to the collection chamber.
  • When the maximum amount of bees are collected in the collection chamber the vacuum is turned off.
  • The next step is to relocate the bees to a suitable house as soon as possible.


This is actually how a bee vacuum works to remove bees safely from any unwanted location. 




Can You Use A Vacuum To Catch Bees?

Yes, you can use a bee vacuum to catch bees from any unwanted location. If you are thinking to use a bee vacuum to remove and catch bees make sure it has gentle suction. You can’t think of using a normal household vacuum cleaner for this purpose. Because a normal vacuum cleaner produces high pressure which causes damage to the bees.


Using bee vacuum to catch bees
Using a bee vacuum to catch bees

Even a bee vacuum can kill bees too if it produces a high suction pressure. So, while using a bee vacuum to catch bees make sure it has low suction pressure.

Yes, you can also use moderate suction pressure too. But make sure it is not hard.

By following the bee removal process discussed in the previous section. You can easily catch a bee swarm from trees, walls, mountains, or from any other difficult-to-reach locations.




Frequently Asked Questions About Bee Vacuum


Do bees survive being vacuumed?

It will depend on how expertly you are vacuuming bees. A low suction pressure won't harm bees significantly. If you use high suction pressure or the vacuum in a wrong manner you probably see a lot of dead bees.

Can you vacuum bees without killing them?

Yes, if you use a slightly lower suction pressure and follow the proper suck-up process, you will get the minimum amount of dead bees. It is common to see a few dead bees after vacuuming up. Don't worry about that. Just use lower suction pressure and follow the proper bee vacuum use guide.

Is bee vacuum safe for bees?

A bee vacuum is safe for bees if it is used correctly. This tool is actually a useful one for catching bees from unwanted locations to reallocating in a safe place.




Final Thoughts

A bee vacuum is a nice and gentle device to safely remove a cluster of bees. Hopefully, now you know how a bee vacuum actually works to catch or remove a bee swarm. It is designed in such a manner that it doesn’t hurt bees.

While using a bee vacuum make sure it produces low and gentle pressure. Producing a high suction pressure can be deadly for bees.

If you are thinking to use a bee vacuum to catch bees you can also go for it. Now read my article on how to catch a swarm before approaching to catch a swarm.

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