Perfect Time To Inspect Beehive In Different Seasons

Best Time To Inspect Beehive

Selecting the best time to inspect beehive is really crucial. Because bees are very sensitive to environmental and other factors. This is why timing is really important. If you choose the wrong timing for hive inspection, when bees don’t want to show up, it could be costly. At the beginning of beekeeping, one of the … Read more

How Do Beekeepers Not Get Stung? [Tips To Avoid Bee Stung]

How Do Beekeepers Not Get Stung

In the beginning, every beekeeper gets stung very often. But with experience, they earn the ability to reduce the chances of getting stung by bees to almost zero. So, How Do Beekeepers Not Get Stung? With the experience of handling their colony, beekeepers gain the ability to interact with bees without getting stung. They select … Read more

Signs When Not To Open A Beehive (Be Careful)

Be Careful Signs When Not To Open A Beehive

Beekeepers are required to inspect beehives often. But inspecting hives when the circumstances are absolutely not bee-friendly, might be harmful and even kill your bees. So, you must be concerned about the “signs when not to open a beehive”. Under such signs, for example, the atmosphere is too cold or too hot, too windy, rain … Read more