How To Get Rid Of Earwigs In A Beehive Effectively

Beekeepers are very concerned about the safety of their hives. There are so many pests & parasites that can cause harm to bees and beehives.  Earwigs can be any of them. When you first noticed earwigs inside your beehive. So, your concern then is how to get rid of earwigs in your beehive. 2 questions … Read more

Swarm Prevention Technique: How To Split A Beehive

How To Split A Beehive & Prevent Swarming

When the hive becomes too crowded, there is a high chance of being swarmed away. The best way to prevent swarming is by splitting the hive. Splitting a beehive means converting one crowded hive into two different hives. It is important to know how to split a beehive properly to prevent swarming. So, you must … Read more

How Do Beekeepers Not Get Stung? [Tips To Avoid Bee Stung]

How Do Beekeepers Not Get Stung

In the beginning, every beekeeper gets stung very often. But with experience, they earn the ability to reduce the chances of getting stung by bees to almost zero. So, How Do Beekeepers Not Get Stung? With the experience of handling their colony, beekeepers gain the ability to interact with bees without getting stung. They select … Read more