75+ Beekeeping Terms That Every Beekeeper Must Know

Beekeeping Terms

When you start something new, you must be familiar with every important term related to what you are going to do. Because you need an idea about the necessary elements you are going to use frequently. Otherwise, You will face difficulties during work. Beekeeping is not anything more exceptional than that. Whatever it is your … Read more

11 Easy Steps On How To Winterize A Beehive

How To Winterize A Beehive

Bees work hard for almost the entire year for winter preparation. But all the time they are not enough to prepare themselves to survive the winter. Extra moisture control, food shortage, mite infection, and so many problems occur during winter for a bee colony. Bees are not sufficient enough to do the best for the … Read more

What To Do With An Abandoned Beehive (Recycling & Reusing)

What To Do With An Abandoned Beehive

During beekeeping, it’s unexpected but not uncommon that bees abandon a beehive. Every beekeeper after having an abandoned beehive has a first common question. That is what to do with an abandoned beehive? Well, you might check first if it is reusable or not. If so try to make sure the reuse of its maximum … Read more