Perfect Beehive Entrance Reducer Dimensions While Making It
You should learn the perfect dimensions for your beehive entrance reducer. This post will guide you with the proper dimensions and the installation and usage of an entrance reducer.
Your Ultimate Beekeeping Master
You should learn the perfect dimensions for your beehive entrance reducer. This post will guide you with the proper dimensions and the installation and usage of an entrance reducer.
Do lizards eat bees? The answer is yes. But not all type of lizards can eat bees. Only giant lizards or skinks can eat bees. Read the article for details.
You might see carpenter bees creating their nest on your household wooden material. After a few days, you notice woodpeckers start pecking your house. Is this because of the presence of carpenter bees? Do Woodpeckers eat Carpenter bees? Yes, woodpecker loves to eat carpenter bees. Carpenter bee larvae are their most favorite food. This is … Read more
An established hive suddenly becoming queenless is not an uncommon phenomenon. To save the rest of the colony a beekeeper must know how to requeen a queenless hive properly. I lost a queen from a well-established hive so many times. Then I requeened the hive and successfully save the colony several times. Yes, a couple … Read more
People often called me to rescue a swarm from unwanted locations. I had to collect swarms from a house wall which is in a very high place, from a tall bunch of trees, from the tinny space between two closed walls, etc. The most effective device that I used to catch swarms from these weird … Read more
Do you want to use a bee vacuum to suck up bees? First, you have to know how does a bee vacuum work? That’s why you came to this post. Don’t worry you are absolutely right place. Throughout this post, I am going to discuss with you how a bee vacuum works to safely remove … Read more